
Introduction to Biosafety Cabinets


Class II biological safety cabinets are essential for providing laboratory personnel, environmental, and product protection. They are the most widely used and accepted primary containment devices. So, of all the manufacturers out there, why choose NuAire?

Simple, because NuAire's biological safety cabinets work better, are designed better, built better, and serviced better than any other brand on the market. They offer the very best in personnel, product, and environmental protection, keeping everyone and everything safe. They're exceptionally quiet, easy, and efficient to operate, requiring less maintenance and allowing users to focus on their tasks.

Ergonomically designed for comfort, NuAire BSCs relieve the body of unnecessary stress. Flexible in configuration and flush with safety features, options, and accessories, NuAire BSCs are incredibly versatile. Constructed of high-quality stainless steel with a pressure-tight design and the HEPEX zero leak airflow system, NuAire safety cabinets are perfect for any controlled environment research.

All NuAire BSCs come with an industry-leading, comprehensive warranty. Coupled with worldwide customer service, you can rest assured that if anything goes wrong, NuAire will take care of it and you.