
Delivery and Setup for your Compounding Isolator


This video shows what actions to take when your Compounding Isolator, also known as a Restricted Access Barrier System RABS), arrives onsite at your compounding facility.

When your Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS) arrives at the facility, inspect the packaging for any signs of damage. If possible, request a visual inspection of the product before accepting the delivery, especially if severe damage to the product is suspected. Note any markings to the packaging on the bill of lading. Contact NuAire immediately and be prepared to provide documentation of any damage found.

Once the delivery is accepted, remove the outer carton and place the sealed parts container aside. Remove each of the red skid brackets which hold the unit in place during transit. Isolators supplied with an adjustable base stand will also have a red carriage bracket holding the bakes in place. This bracket should not be removed until the isolator reaches its final location.

A certified mover or well-qualified onsite personnel may now raise the isolator off the skid. The sealed parts container may now be opened so each castor may be installed on the base stand. If a lift system is not available, a minimum of two people will be required to move each corner of the isolator off the skid until all castors or the lab bench mounting bracket is completely installed.