
Set Inner Temperature Set Point & Alarms on Blizzard VFT Ultralow Freezer


Learn how to set the inner temperature set point and alarms on your Blizzard VFT Ultralow Freezer with our step-by-step video tutorial. The video demonstrates how to access the settings menu through the touchscreen on the home screen and select the temperature icon. You will be guided to the optimal temperature set point range (-50°C to -80°C), ambient temperature range (18°C to 25°C), and uniformity conditions (set point of -80°C in 25°C ambient). The tutorial explains how to use the plus and minus keys to adjust the set, high, and low-temperature alarm setpoint. For the high-temperature alarm, the minimum setting is the inner temperature set point +5°C (0°C to -81°C). For the low-temperature alarm, the maximum setting is the internal temperature set point of -5°C (-15°C to -99°C). Finally, press the save key to retain your chosen values.